Investments in
According to the Market Monitor, Brazil may obtain revenues of up to US$120 billion from carbon credits by 2030. With a team specialized in the environmental area, the firm advises people and companies that wish to promote actions focused on the environment, from the direct development of projects that generate environmental benefits, to advising those who wish to finance these activities, guiding the legal paths necessary to promote safe investments, in compliance with the norms and updated with the latest environmental protection legislation

The office acts especially in the necessary procedures for the constitution of CPR-Verde, or Rural Product Notes, helping in all the necessary steps for its elaboration, certification and registration, being duly registered before the B3 - Stock Exchange, entity authorized by the Central Bank of Brazil to register and certify these titles.
CPR's are credit titles created by Law No. 8.929/1994 and widely used by rural producers for crop financing. With recent regulatory changes (Law No. 13.986/2020), together with the National Policy for Payment for Environmental Services (Law No. 14.119/2021), producers and landowners in general can develop projects aimed at promoting environmental services and thus obtain financing from companies and other investors who wish to perform or encourage actions aimed at protecting and restoring the environment.
Among the environmental services that can be financed through this bond are actions aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions, maintaining or increasing forest carbon stock, reducing deforestation and degradation of native vegetation, biodiversity conservation, conservation of water and soil resources, and other ecosystem benefits, as stated in Decree No. 10.828/2021.
Thus, financing agreements for activities that provide environmental services can be promoted and financed through Rural Product Notes by both individuals and legal entities that meet the legal requirements, and as long as they promote the certifications and registrations required by specific legislation for the regular issuing of the titles, which will also guarantee the obtaining of legal